The Spring 2025 balance will be due in full by January 6, 2025. Tuition bills for the Spring 2025 term will be available on the student portal the week of December 8th. The College will continue to offer a payment plan option for students for the Spring 2025 semester. If you plan to utilize the payment plan, there will be four equal installments, with payments due January 01, February 01, March 01, and April 01. Normal installment plan fees will apply.

Questions regarding student accounts should be directed to (610) 330-5145 or Tuition and fees are established annually by the Board of Trustees. Tuition and fees listed below may not be comprehensive.

2025-26 Tuition and Fees

Tuition $66,496
Room Fee (1) $12,234
Board Fee (2) $7,478
Student Activity Fee $360
Matriculation Fee (3) $750

(1) Additional fees may apply based upon Housing Options.
(2) Additional fees may apply based upon Meal Plan Options.
(3) One-time fee for new students only.

Additional common fees

Application Fee $65
Auditing a Course $575
Music Fee (MUS140, MUS141) $600
    Advanced Music Fee (MUS142) $765
Parking Fee $500
Part-Time, Winter Interim, Summer I, Summer II $2,700
Studio Art & Lab Science Courses $160
Summer Internships $275

2025-26 Housing Options

Rate 1:  $12,234 per academic year / $6,117 per semester

Includes: Conway, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Easton, Farber, 421 Hamilton Street, 635 High Street, Hillel House, Lavender Lane, McKelvy House, Portlock Black Cultural Center, Ramer, Ruef, Soles, Sorority Houses, Watson Courts, and Watson Hall.

Rate 2:  $12,712 per academic year / $6,356 per semester

Includes: Delta Kappa Epsilon, Fisher East, Fisher West, Gates, Grossman House, Kamine, Keefe, Kirby House, Marquis, McKeen, Rubin, and South College.

Rate 3:  $13,278 per academic year / $6,639 per semester

Includes: “Monroe House” participants in College-owned off-campus houses, non-“Monroe House” participants in College-owned off-campus houses/apartments, McCartney II apartments, and 512 March Street apartments.

Rate 4:  $13,732 per academic year / $6,866 per semester

Includes: Tator North & McCartney South

Owned and operated by a third party. Billed by Lafayette College

Summer/Winter Interim Housing:  $120 per week

2025-26 Meal Plan Options

2024-25 Meal Plan Options All students are required to enroll in a College meal plan*. Meal plan options vary based on student class year and housing location.

(*)  Dining works with students directly to assist with meal planning and preparation in cases where students have specific dietary restrictions and allergies. If you need assistance working through dietary restrictions you may contact Dining directly for Special Dietary Needs. Students who would like to request a disability-related dining accommodation are asked to contact Accessibility Services or if related to a religious dietary restriction please contact Religious & Spiritual Life. Exemptions to the meal plan requirement are not made for financial reasons or preferences to prepare one’s own meals.

(1)  Plans begin at dinner the Saturday afternoon prior to the scheduled start of classes and end at dinner on the scheduled last day of final exams. Modified service is provided during Fall, Thanksgiving, and Spring break days.

(2)  Pard Dollars can be used at all on-campus Dining venues and at participating off-campus merchants. Meal Plans include an allotment of Pard Dollars for use during the fall and spring semesters. This allotment is non-refundable and does not roll over from semester to semester.

Additional Pard Dollars:  Additional (non-mandatory) Pard Dollars will carry forward semester to semester and year to year and ends at graduation. Only non-mandatory Pard Dollars are available for use during the summer and interim periods. Upon graduation, accounts with remaining funds in excess of $25.00, will be refunded to the student. Accounts with $25.00 and less will be transferred to the Student Activities Fund.

(3)  A Private Kitchen is defined as (a) fully-equipped with stove/oven, refrigerator, and sink; and (b) self-contained within an individual residence hall apartment-style unit, College-owned off-campus 1-3 person occupancy house or apartment, or 1-3 person occupancy privately-owned houses and apartments (does not include the privately-owned residence halls Tator North and McCartney South). Residence hall apartment-style units include: 512 March, McCartney II, Fisher East, Fisher West, Grossman House, Marquis Suite, Watson Courts and 421 Hamilton.

2024-25 Tuition and Fees

Tuition $64,248
Room Fee (1) $11,820
Board Fee (2) $7,224
Student Activity Fee $360
Matriculation Fee (3) $750

(1) Additional fees may apply based upon Housing Options.
(2) Additional fees may apply based upon Meal Plan Options.
(3) One-time fee for new students only.

Additional common fees

Application Fee $65
Auditing a Course $575
Music Fee (MUS140, MUS141) $600
    Advanced Music Fee (MUS142) $765
Parking Fee $500
Part-Time, Winter Interim, Summer I, Summer II $2,600
Studio Art & Lab Science Courses $160
Summer Internships $275

2024-25 Housing Options

Rate 1:  $11,820 per academic year / $5,910 per semester

Includes: Conway, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Easton, Farber, 421 Hamilton Street, 635 High Street, Hillel House, Lavender Lane, Marquis, McKelvy House, Portlock Black Cultural Center, Ramer, Ruef, Soles, Sorority Houses, Watson Courts, and Watson Hall.

Rate 2:  $12,282 per academic year / $6,141 per semester

Includes: Delta Kappa Epsilon, Fisher East, Fisher West, Gates, Grossman House, Kamine, Keefe, Kirby House, McKeen, Rubin, and South College.

Rate 3:  $12,828 per academic year / $6,414 per semester

Includes: “Monroe House” participants in College-owned off-campus houses, non-“Monroe House” participants in College-owned off-campus houses/apartments, McCartney II apartments, and 512 March Street apartments.

Rate 4:  $13,268 per academic year / $6,634 per semester

Includes: Tator North & McCartney South

Housing billed by third-party.

Summer/Winter Interim Housing:  $120 per week

2024-25 Meal Plan Options

2024-25 Meal Plan Options All students are required to enroll in a College meal plan*. Meal plan options vary based on student class year and housing location.

(*)  Dining works with students directly to assist with meal planning and preparation in cases where students have specific dietary restrictions and allergies. If you need assistance working through dietary restrictions you may contact Dining directly for Special Dietary Needs. Students who would like to request a disability-related dining accommodation are asked to contact Accessibility Services or if related to a religious dietary restriction please contact Religious & Spiritual Life. Exemptions to the meal plan requirement are not made for financial reasons or preferences to prepare one’s own meals.

(1)  Plans begin at dinner the Saturday afternoon prior to the scheduled start of classes and end at dinner on the scheduled last day of final exams. Modified service is provided during Fall, Thanksgiving, and Spring break days.

(2)  Pard Dollars can be used at all on-campus Dining venues and at participating off-campus merchants. Meal Plans include an allotment of Pard Dollars for use during the fall and spring semesters. This allotment is non-refundable and does not roll over from semester to semester.

Additional Pard Dollars:  Additional (non-mandatory) Pard Dollars will carry forward semester to semester and year to year and ends at graduation. Only non-mandatory Pard Dollars are available for use during the summer and interim periods. Upon graduation, accounts with remaining funds in excess of $25.00, will be refunded to the student. Accounts with $25.00 and less will be transferred to the Student Activities Fund.

(3)  A Private Kitchen is defined as (a) fully-equipped with stove/oven, refrigerator, and sink; and (b) self-contained within an individual residence hall apartment-style unit, College-owned off-campus 1-3 person occupancy house or apartment, or 1-3 person occupancy privately-owned houses and apartments (does not include the privately-owned residence halls Tator North and McCartney South). Residence hall apartment-style units include: 512 March, McCartney II, Fisher East, Fisher West, Grossman House, Marquis Suite, Watson Courts and 421 Hamilton.

Billings & Policies

Tuition and fees are billed in early July for the Fall semester and in early December for the Spring semester. Students or Authorized Users may view charges or make payment through the College’s secure Online Payment System operated through TouchNet.  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) requires students to grant permission to others to access student information and students can grant access to other users (for example, parents and other family members) by setting them up within the Online Payment System (instructions). The payment due date is approximately four weeks prior to the start of classes for the semester.

The student account statement will reflect all of the information the College has about the amount due for tuition, room fees, meal plans/board fees, purchases made on account at the College Store, and other student fees as well as any applicable payments and financial aid awards. Students and families are strongly encouraged to begin this sometimes lengthy process early so the aid is available when needed by the student bill due date. It is the responsibility of the student to file and follow up with the Financial Aid Office on all necessary financial aid forms to ensure that all anticipated aid is approved and credited to the student’s account in advance of the payment due date.

Charges for other expenses incurred during the semester such as room damages, bookstore charges, late payment fees, fines, etc., are billed monthly and due upon receipt of the bill.

Students will not be allowed to register or attend classes until accounts are paid in full or until satisfactory payment arrangements are made. A late payment fee of $300 is assessed if payment is not received or satisfactory arrangements are not made by the established due date and additional late fees may be assessed until payment is received.

Past due balances may affect the student’s ability to register or attend classes and may cause the College to refer the delinquent account to a collection agency.  The student may be responsible for paying the collection agency and attorney’s fees.  Delinquent accounts may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.

Veterans or their dependents taking advantage of Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 benefits will not be imposed penalties, late fees, or other holds due to delayed payments from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.   Students are required to submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement of benefits to the Education Liaison Representative (ELR) in the Office of the Registrar ( no later than the start of  the term in which the student wishes to use benefits.

Making a Payment

Payments for any amounts due can be made in one of the following ways:

  • Electronic payments can be made by Students and Authorized Users via an electronic check (ACH). Read more about how to utilize the electronic payment system.
  • Check payment (payable to “Lafayette College” in U.S. Dollars) including full student ID (format – L044XXXXX) mailed to:

    Lafayette College Student Payments
    PO Box 36479
    Newark, NJ 07188-6406

  • Tuition Payment Plan A payment plan is available to students who would prefer to pay in monthly installments. For a nominal fee, you will be able to enroll in two separate multi-month, term-based plans.  Students or Authorized Users can enroll in the plan via the buttons above. Please have your student set you up as an Authorized User.
  • Hand delivering a check to the Cashier’s Window on the basement floor of Marquis Hall. The Cashier’s Window is open most weekdays from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
  • Wire Payments (International and Domestic) – TransferMate allows students pay their tuition and fees in their local currency from any country.  Students can make a payment using TransferMate by logging into TouchNet and selecting payment method  TransferMate – Wires during checkout.
    • Click here to view further details about TransferMate and the bank wire process
  • Outside Scholarship Checks – if you have received an outside scholarship/tuition benefits check click here for instructions
  • Please note any funds returned by the bank due to insufficient funds will incur a $25 fee.

Tuition Payment Plan

A payment plan is available to students who would prefer to pay in monthly installments. For a nominal fee, you will be able to enroll in two separate multi-month, term-based plans.  Students or Authorized Users can enroll in the plan by logging onto TouchNet. Please have your student set you up as an Authorized User.  Please contact the Student Accounts office at 610-330-5145 or with any questions.

Refund Policies

For information on the College’s refunds policies, please click here