Welcome to Lafayette College Student Account Suite. This site is a service offered to students and their families for viewing bills, making payments, enrolling in payment plans, and managing their student account.

Student Access Authorized User Access

Parents or guardians wishing to access the system require student permission which can be granted by following these instructions for adding Authorized Users.  Please note the system is unavailable from 03:00 AM to 04:30 AM ET.

Information regarding policies and typical charges can be found here.

If you have any difficulties or questions about the system, please send an e-mail to studentaccounts@lafayette.edu or call the Lafayette College Student Accounts Office at (610) 330-5145.

Tator North and McCartney South residents can use the Resident Portal to view bills, make payments, and manage their McCartney account. Students can provide their guarantors with access to the system once they are logged into the system. Questions about the system can be sent to mccartneyresidences@cocm.com or called in to the McCartney Residences Office at (610) 330-3536 between 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Other Ways to Make a Payment

  • Check payment (payable to “Lafayette College” in U.S. Dollars) including full student ID (format – L0XXXXXXX) mailed to:

Lafayette College Student Payments
P.O. Box 36479
Newark, NJ 07188-6406

  • Tuition Payment Plan A payment plan is available to students who would prefer to pay in monthly installments. For a nominal fee, you will be able to enroll in two separate multi-month, term-based plans.  Students or Authorized Users can enroll in the plan via the buttons above. Please have your student set you up as an Authorized User.
  • Hand delivering a check to the Cashier’s Window on the basement floor of Marquis Hall. The Cashier’s Window is open most weekdays from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
  • Wire Payments (International and Domestic) – TransferMate allows students pay their tuition and fees in their local currency from any country.  Students can make a payment using TransferMate by logging into TouchNet and selecting payment method  TransferMate – Wires during checkout.
    • Click here to view further details about TransferMate and the bank wire process
  • Outside Scholarship/Tuition Benefit Checks – if you have received an outside scholarship/tuition benefits check click here for instructions.
  • 529 Check Payments (payable to “Lafayette College” in U.S. Dollars) with student name and ID listed on the check mailed to the address below. Please note, we do not accept electronic payments from 529 plans. Please contact your 529 for specific instructions on how to submit payment. Check processing time varies by plan so please contact your 529 plan to ensure the check is received by the due date.

Lafayette College Student Payments
P.O. Box 36479
Newark, NJ 07188-6406

  • Please note any funds returned by the bank due to insufficient funds will incur a $25 fee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TouchNet?

TouchNet Information Systems is the partner Lafayette College utilizes as an electronic commerce tool for students and their families.

What services are offered by TouchNet

TouchNet is accessible almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please note the system is unavailable from 10:45 PM to 11:15 PM EST and from 03:00AM to 04:30 AM EST.

  • Authorize others (parents, etc) to view your bill and make payments.
  • Check your balance.
  • Make a payment towards your balance.
  • Make a deposit towards an interim session.
  • Enroll in 5-month Fall semester plan or a 5-month Spring semester plan.
    • Payment plans are available for a nominal fee and are interest-free.
  • View your payment history.
  • Store your payment methods for quick and easy payment.
  • View and print your billing statement.
  • Receive an e-mail when new bills and refunds are posted to the account.
  • Enter your bank account information so that refunds can be deposited into your account electronically.
    • Refunds cannot be applied to credit cards.

Where can I find instructions for how to use the system?

If you need assistance using TouchNet, please send an e-mail to studentbilling@lafayette.edu or call the Lafayette College Student Accounts Office at (610) 330-5145

Who can use the system to view a bill or make a payment?

All current students will automatically have access to the system to view their bills, monitor the activity on their account, and make payments.

If a student wants to give anyone else the ability to view and/or make payments on his/her account online, please follow these instructions.

What forms of payment are available?

E-checks are accepted online.  In addition, you can continue to pay by mailing a check to: Lafayette College Student Payments, P.O. Box 36479, Newark, NJ 07188-6479.

How quickly will I be able to see that the online payment has been credited my account?

You should see the credit virtually immediately once you make it.  If for some reason the payment doesn’t fully process through the bank, you may see a reversal of that payment credit in one to two business days.

Why should I sign up to receive my refund electronically?

You will receive access to your funds more quickly if you opt to receive your refunds electronically.  They will automatically be deposited into you bank account.

Will I still continue to receive bills in the mail?

Students (and their authorized users) are automatically notified whenever a new bill is posted online.  Notification is sent by e-mail which goes automatically to the student’s Lafayette e-mail address and to the email accounts of any authorized users. Students and authorized users who receive a notification then log in to see the bill and any previously stored bills.

Is the system secure?

The security of your personal information is of utmost importance to the College.  As such, the College chose a partner in TouchNet who is compliant with all of the the security standards and requirements of the Payment Card Industry Council.