TransferMate allows students to pay their tuition and fees in their local currency.

For more information about using TransferMate, follow the video or info below

student payment authorized user payment

Parents or guardians wishing to access the system require student permission which can be granted by following these instructions for adding Authorized Users.

Student Payment Guides

Step 01:

  • Log in to your Student Account.

student payment authorized user payment

  • Go to the Make Payment tab and verify the Current Account Balance.
  • Select TransferMate – Wires in the Method drop-down menu.
  • Select the country you are paying from and click Review Rate.
  • Select your preferred payment method (bank transfer or e-wallets).
  • Enter payer details, confirm the payment information and initiate your

Step 02:

  • If you are paying by bank transfer, you will be emailed the banking instructions. Make your payment to the instructed bank account.
  • If you chose to pay through your preferred e-wallet, follow the instructions presented online.
  • Only send the amount indicated on your student bill.
  • Include your unique Transaction Reference number with the payment.

NOTE: Brazilian, Chinese, South African and Indian students will be required to send supporting documents, which can easily be uploaded.

Step 03:

  • Once TransferMate receives your payment, it will be sent to your institution.
  • Your payment will automatically post to your Student Account
  • Confirmation of the posted payment will be emailed to you and the

What are some benefits of TransferMate?

  • Best Rate Guarantee
  • Faster payment posting to your student account
  • Local currency payment methods
  • Exceptional 24-hour customer service from TransferMate
  • Accurate currency conversions

Who can I contact for assistance?

The fastest way to get help is through the Live Chat Box found on TransferMate’s Customer Service site, or send you request/queries to

Will I be charged a fee for using this service?

All international payments made through TransferMate are completely free of charge. You may be charged by your bank for making a local transaction, this is unfortunately out of our control.

Domestic transactions are subject to a $20 fee to cover costs.

Why do I need to provide Identification?

By law, TransferMate is required to identify the person transferring funds to their bank account. Your identification will ensure that you and Lafayette College are protected against Money Laundering attempts.

What is accepted as viable Identification?

Any letter of offer/acceptance, including your name, which has been posted to you by the institution you are wishing to make payments to. In addition, TransferMate must receive a scanned copy of your photo identification (passport).

How will I know if my payment has been successful?

Once your payment has been received, the pending payment will be removed, and the transaction added to the Payment History in your student account center. Additionally, you will receive an email confirming that your payment was successful.

How long does a transaction take?

Once TransferMate receives your payment into their local bank account, they will transfer to Lafayette College’s account. These payments are generally received by Lafayette College the same day if payments are received by TransferMate’s banking branch of your respective country before 2pm GMT.

When will my payment be posted to my student account?

Your payments will automatically be posted to your student account within 24-48 hours from payment completion.

Where are TransferMate payments shown in my student account?

When the student registers the payment, it is displayed on the home page as a Pending Alternate Payment Method. Once the payment is made and funds are confirmed by TransferMate, the student account is updated, which can be seen in the Payment and Account History.

Can my family or other authorized users have access to my student account?

Students may set up authorized users to view their billing information and or their student bill on their behalf. Please note that, in accordance with FERPA, this does not allow the authorized user to view the student’s academic records, course schedule, or other personal information. Authorized users may view student account activity, make payments, and set up payment plans.

Please see these instructions for adding an Authorized User.